FREAKING WIN with a Delta Force Halloween

Every year, humans all over the globe, tremble with fear as the Halloween weekend approaches. And every year, paintballers all over the globe, gear up to do battle with the forces of the underworld on our battlefields. And every year, on the Halloween weekend, a lucky Delta Force Paintball player wins.

Book now and be a part of one of the most fun weekends on the paintball calendar. Go a step further and rock up looking like something that crawled out of someone’s halloween nightmare, and you might just be the one we judge as best dressed each day. That honour will win you FREE entry and equipment to come back for yourself and 9 mates at any Delta Force Paintball centre! Want more? Ok. Each member of the group you return with will get an extra 100 paintballs over and above what they purchased for the days action.

So easy! Dress up as a zombie, witch, ghost, Lurch from the Addams Family or whichever Halloween style character you prefer, play for hours on the worlds best paintball fields and have the time of your life on one of most entertaining weekends paintball has to offer. AND get the world’s best value paintball as well. A few weeks later, while sitting around reliving the excitement and memories of your Halloween weekend, pull out those free entries and book right back in to get a second dose of paintball the Delta Force way with those extra 100 paintballs waiting for you.

So don’t miss out on the fun. Recruit your platoon from the underworld or zombie killers, and get your ‘freak on’ at your nearest Delta Force Paintball centre on October 31 or November 1 and November 2 and have a day that will live on long after it’s done.

Halloween Promotion | Terms & Conditions

  1.  The winners of each Delta Force Centre’s Halloween competition shall be chosen by the Centre Manager and staff at the beginning of the days play on Friday 31st of October, November 1 and November 2 2014.
  2.  The winner of each Halloween prize shall be the player wearing the chosen costume chosen on the day by the Centre Manager and staff.
  3. The major prize of free entry and 100 extra paintballs for the winner and a group total of 10 players is redeemable any time after November 2 2014. The extra paintballs must be used on that visit and can not be kept for a subsequent visit.
  4. The prize of free entry for 10 people can be used for any single booking within 6 months of the 31st of October 2014. This prize shall become void after the 30th of April 2014. All bookings should be made at least two weeks in advance. Delta Force shall not be responsible if the winner of this prize is unable to make a booking at a Delta Force Centre for a day of play that is before the 30th of April 2014.
  5. The prize of free entry for 10 people including the organiser, and is not restricted to the organiser bringing a total of 10 people.

2018-08-31 Delta Force Paintball

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