Paintballing standards in Australia have improved dramatically over the past decade. Gone are the days of playing behind trees, hay bales and wooden pallets thanks to Delta Force’s world-class themed paintball scenarios.

Incredible movie-set quality game zones enable Delta Force customers to play on the very best themed scenarios in Australia, including Tomb Raider with a Giant Stone Pyramid and guardian sphinxes, the Wild West, London After the Apocalypse, Gold Mines and much more.

These new and improved game zones have introduced the sport to a much wider audience, and have seen player numbers increase significantly over the past few years.

The popularity of paintball throughout Australia has also increased thanks to the improved safety equipment and facilities at all Delta Force centres throughout the country.

On arrival all players will receive full-head protection goggles, a full-length combat suit, custom-designed body armour and a 400-capacity ammunition holder. Before the action begins, all players must undergo an essential health and safety speech. The state-of-the-art equipment and safety speech will help ensure you and your guests have a fun, comfortable and safe day of paintballing.

Paintballing laws throughout Australia vary from state to state, with many supporters of the sport calling for a uniform set of rules and regulations to be applied throughout the country.

The police in each state control paintballing in Australia, and as such the minimum legal age of players is not consistent across the nation. The minimum ages to play paintball is 18 years in Victoria (Delta Force Dingley), 16 years in New South Wales (Delta Force Appin) and 12 years in Western Australia (Delta Force Muchea and Delta Force Bonneys).

Delta Force supports the standardisation of the minimum paintballing age, which would open the sport to a wider market where people can have a fun day out with their family and friends in a safe and controlled environment.

Paintball is now one of the fastest growing sports in Australia. Get out there and see what all of the hype is about!

To make a paintball booking contact us on 1300 850 744.